Thursday, May 31, 2012

Graduation...From your brace!

Graduates,  it is my honor to present you with your diploma, your new brace!

        Yes sir! This is rather exciting! If you remember the first brace you got, the process isn't all that different. First, you get scanned into the computer (or dipped in plaster, whichever you orthotist does). Then, the orthotist takes several measurements here and there. After that, you get to pick a design. Don't worry about taking too long, your orthotist will be patient, so take your time, you don't want to end up with a design you don't like or want. you get to go home after this.
          The next appointment, you get to see your new brace! Be warned that your orthotist hasn't smoothed out the edges like your old one had, since (s)he has to still make adjustments and stuff. Like last time, your orthotist will ask you where different places have pressure, which places hurt, and where some good holes could go.

Toss your hat up!

Brace Grads