Monday, October 3, 2011


Hello everyone, I have something to tell you. I will now start posting things that have nothing to do with scoliosis, or braces, or anything like that. just letting you know!!

Happy Reading!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Pointless Post

Hello everyone! Welcome to Pointless Posts! Little facts about me, my brace, and everything else in that general area!

Did you know:

I like to call my brace armodillo armor!

I tap the area where my brace is to freak out my friends

People constantly ask what "that thing on my back is". It is VERY annoying.


Monday, March 7, 2011

After You Get Used To It

After You Get Used To It

The Name

After you get used to your brace, you may decide to name it. I have not thought of a name for mine yet, so don't stress out over the name. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • What is the design on it?
  • How does it feel to you?
  • What is your favorite character in anything (book, movie, TV show,etc.)?
  • What is your favorite word (positive and appropriate, please)?
  • What is your favorite thing in the world?

and so on.

Your Life With A Brace

You have probably noticed that your life hasn't changed much, except the fact that you can't bend, and that you can't scratch everywhere, otherwise, your life hasn't changed much.

Have Fun With It!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Itchy-ness in the Brace

I know that there is at least one of you readers who is feeling the "itch", literally. I used to like to wear my brace over my clothes [without the undershirt] at home; at first your orthotist will let you wear your brace for 3 hours, the next day 4, then 5,6,7 and so on to 22 hours. But on school days they will let you wear it for 4 hours after school because they want you to be as comfortable as possible at home before you start wearing it at school, if you need to have your brace adjusted, you can either: 
1) wait until  your next appointment.
2) go back early.

Back to the itchy-ness. If  you are suffering itches, then you can rub yourself [in the area your brace is] with cornstarch or [if you like the smell] baby powder. After getting cornstarched, put your undershirt on under your clothes (a.k.a put you brace on properly without hurting yourself) and wear it. You only need to cornstarch yourself (or have someone help you if needed) once a day, I prefer at night before I put my brace on for the nighttime hours but that's just me. 

Have fun with your cornstarch!  

(my personal favorite part about my brace)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Scoliosis Info

My brace and comparison to another
I have a brace for scoliosis. Scoliosis is when your spine is unnaturally curvy, don't let this discourage you, you only need a brace if you curve(s) is/are over 25 degrees. 3 out of 100 people have scoliosis; only 1 to 3 out of 1000 people with scoliosis will need a brace. Do not fear the Rigo-System-ChĂȘneau-brace, it's way better than the old-fashioned Milwaukee brace. 

How to wear you brace and how I used to
I used to like to wear my brace over my clothes [without the undershirt] at home; at first your orthotist will let you wear your brace for 3 hours, the next day 4, then 5,6,7 and so on to 22 hours. But on school days they will let you wear it for 4 hours after school because they want you to be as comfortable as possible at home before you start wearing it at school, if you need to have your brace adjusted, you can either: 
1) wait until  your next appointment.
2) go back early.